To my fellow Yoga teachers:
If you feel drawn to the idea of personal individual mentorship in your work and growth as a teacher, please read on!
Teaching yoga is an investment of your heart, mind, and soul. But you already knew that! This path can be full of questions, challenges, breakthroughs, confusion, growth and bliss – sometimes all in one day’s time. We all need support and guidance especially when one is:
1) new to teaching or
2) transitioning to or adding a new role or niche within your teaching (i.e. beginning to teach children, adding meditation instruction, launching virtual classes, offering private lessons, planning and filling retreats, etc.).
I am ready and eager to help and would love to be your mentor. My focus is on offering tailored one-on-one mentoring. This means we will figure out what YOU want to explore and learn, and proceed with laser-like focus to address your questions and goals.
I have been a full-time yoga professional for over 14 years. At first that looked like teaching 20 plus classes per week, then a moderate class load in addition to leading 5 or 6 children’s yoga teacher trainings and a couple of retreats per year, next a light class load and organizing and/or leading 10-15 retreats and specialty events per year, and now - a full virtual yoga platform. I have taught thousands of both adult and children’s classes, in a large variety of settings from living rooms to studios to revocation centers. I have formed a strong community of colleagues whom I trust and adore, and also learned a couple hard lessons from interpersonal situations that didn’t go smoothly. I have created and innovated and taken risks. The results have not always been what I had hoped, but in this work we are all entrepreneurs to some extent, and one of the most important things we need to learn is to brush ourselves off and try again.
This is all to say: Whatever your current goals or struggles are, there is a good chance I have been there – and found a path forward through intuition, determination, and guidance from my own mentors.
Here are just some examples of where we might focus our work:
-Class planning
-Teaching online
-Honing your voice or style
-Holding space / strengthening your intuition
-Weaving more yoga philosophy or energy work into your teaching
-Working smarter rather than harder to keep burnout at bay
-Standing out in a saturated field of teachers
-Cultivating a genuine and compelling online presence
-Approaching potential employers / partners, building healthy working relationships, advocating for yourself
-Stepping into a new role or offering with a well-assessed and viable plan
You can choose to participate in either an “a la carte” fashion or through one of three levels of my mentorship program. Please read on to see which is the best fit for you!
The mentorship program has been designed as a well-rounded and thorough opportunity for us to dive deep into your needs. Please note the following benefits which are exclusive to the programs and included at no additional cost:
1) Email support. This is a game-changer if you are a) looking for support with writing projects (teacher bios, workshops descriptions etc.) and / or b) in a place of growth, challenge or transition which calls for a reliable sounding board and teammate to be at the ready!
2) A private electronic survey for clarifying your challenges and goals.
3) A 15% discount on any future a la carte mentoring calls you book after your mentorship is complete.
1) I have only 10 mentorship program spots available at any given time in order to maintain keen focus and presence for each.
2) Payment plans are available for any level if that would be preferable.
3) Not sure if one of the programs is right for you? Let’s have a free 15-minute call to discuss!
Survey for clarifying your challenges and goals
75-minute mentoring call (phone / facetime / zoom)
Teaching observation and feedback package: I attend / observe one of your classes (in person or virtual), followed by a 45-minute call at your convenience. I will also send written feedback by email. Mentee covers cost of class if applicable.
Unlimited email support throughout mentorship
15% off future a la carte services
Mentorship must be completed within two months of first call
Investment: $240 with virtual class observation / $270 with in-person class observation
Survey for clarifying your challenges and goals
75-minute mentoring call (phone / facetime / zoom)
60-minute mentoring call (phone / facetime / zoom)
Teaching observation and feedback package: I attend / observe one of your group or private classes (in person or virtual), followed by a 45-minute call at your convenience. I will also send written feedback by email. Mentee covers cost of class if applicable.
Unlimited email support throughout mentorship
15% off future a la carte services
Mentorship must be completed within three months of first call
Investment: $320 with virtual class observation / $350 with in-person class observation
Survey for clarifying your challenges and goals
75-minute mentoring call (phone / facetime / zoom)
Two 60-minute mentoring calls (phone / facetime / zoom)
Teaching observation and feedback call package: I attend / observe one of your group or private classes (in person or virtual), followed by a 45-minute call at your convenience. I will also send written feedback by email. Mentee covers cost of class if applicable.
Unlimited email support throughout mentorship
15% off future a la carte services
Mentorship must be completed within four months of first call
Investment: $400 with virtual class observation / $430 with in-person class observation
60-minute call: $80
75-minute call: $90
90-minute call: $100
Teaching observation and feedback package: $150 for virtual class / $180 for in-person class
- Format: I attend / observe one of your classes (in person or virtual), followed by a 45-minute call at your convenience. I will also send written feedback by email. Mentee covers cost of class if applicable.)
Have questions? Ready to take the plunge into this next level of your teaching evolution? Please email me at info@yogawayretreats.com and I will be ready to promptly answer your questions, schedule a call or enroll you in your mentorship program!